Hi Peter,

don't want to discuss about that endlessly :-)
We receive already all a lot of emails from various lists.
There may be a few off-topic messages, but let's try to focus mainly on
Pharo on pharo-users mailing-list.
There was a message from Stephane about that some days ago and I agree with

People who want to discuss about merits of Smalltalk, should create a
Smalltalk advocacy mailing-list.
There is also an off-topic channel on Discord also.


On Wed, Feb 5, 2020 at 1:03 PM PBKResearch <pe...@pbkresearch.co.uk> wrote:

> Norbert
> Is that really all you can see? If you trace back this thread, it began
> with a post (less than 24 hours ago) by Richard Kenneth Eng, drawing
> attention to a blog post by Lorenzo, whose title is also the subject of the
> thread:
> https://smalltalk.tech.blog/2020/02/04/fuzzy-thinking-in-smalltalk/
> Everything since then has been talking about that or about finding a link
> to an earlier post by Lorenzo.
> I found the post interesting; my reaction is to wish there were more
> details. It is not Pharo, but is a Smalltalk application. I see no reason
> why you and Serge should say this is not suitable for this group; there are
> many posts here about non-Pharo Smalltalk activities.
> Peter Kenny
> *From:* Pharo-users <pharo-users-boun...@lists.pharo.org> *On Behalf Of 
> *Norbert
> Hartl
> *Sent:* 05 February 2020 11:23
> *To:* Pharo users users <pharo-users@lists.pharo.org>
> *Subject:* Re: [Pharo-users] Fuzzy Thinking in Smalltalk
> Am 05.02.2020 um 10:53 schrieb Lorenzo <lore...@edor.it>:
> I am sorry; I was not awer of this kind of problem.
> Do you think that an application in Smalltalk is not interesting for Pharo
> users even if it has been developped in Pharo?
> which application? I just read about things you've lost and wordpress
> problems regarding a blog.
> Norbert
> Lorenzo
> *Mehr anzeigen* von Norbert Hartl
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> *Mehr anzeigen* von Norbert Hartl
> Int. Research Unit
>  on Modelling/Simulation of Complex Systems (UMMISCO)
> ​Sorbonne University
>  (SU)
> French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD)​
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> ​niversity of Yaoundé I​
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> "Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for
> machines to execute."
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> ​

Serge Stinckwic

Int. Research Unit
 on Modelling/Simulation of Complex Systems (UMMISCO)
​Sorbonne University
French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD)​
​niversity of Yaoundé I​, Cameroon
"Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for
machines to execute."

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