If you were coining a new phrase, the charge of sexism might have some
dubious merit.
(Since it implies that your grandfather is still using outdated stuff,
it is derogatory to males.)
However, the phrase "not your grandfather's <whatever>" is widely used
to mean "this is
not at all an old-fashioned <whatever>", whereas no such phrase with
"grandmother" or
"grandparent" exists.  Accordingly, "not your grandparents' <whatever>" would
- fail to connect with the popular phrase
- and therefore sound significantly worse,
- make you look pretentious when the penny finally dropped, and
- detract from your message by focussing attention on the phrase
instead of your meaning.
Tell your critic to stop bothering you and go volunteer to help defend Iran.
"There is no grammatical gender in Persian, and pronouns are not
marked for natural gender."
(Wikipedia article on the Persian languages.)

Rather than pandering to your critic's attempt to exercise linguistic
hegemony over you, you might like to find another way to say  "40
years later, other programming languages haven't caught up yet."

There *were* electric vehicles in my grandfathers' day.  Maseratis
back then look very primitive now.
And people *do* dream of owning a Tesla.  At more than my annual pay
before I retired, I can only dream.  Heck, I bought a *house* for less
than a Tesla.  The last car I personally bought, I could
buy *SEVENTY* of them for the price of a new Tesla.  If you can buy a
Tesla, you've arrived, Clive.
You're eco-pure, Muir.  No longer a schlub, Bub.  You *sneer* at
Maserati owners; they may have more money, but you're *better* than

I would also suggest that you are in the least concerned about sexism,
using expensive cars might just be more provocative than the word

Hot-air balloons are old.  They are also a modern sport and quite
technical.  Oh, wait.
"The incidence of morbidity and mortality is high among hot-air
balloon tour crashes, and the proportion of balloon crashes attributed
to paid rides appears to have increased over time."

Look, you *can't* please everybody.  Do work you're proud of, run it
up the flagpole,
and maybe you'll get a home run.

On Tue, 7 Jan 2020 at 09:18, horrido <horrido.hobb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks!
> I have a question for everyone. Someone has taken me to task for being
> "sexist". He says I should refer to "grandparent" instead of "grandfather".
> I'd like to ask for your opinion. Would "grandparent" sound better in my
> article? Imagine replacing all instances of "grandfather" with
> "grandparent". Would it have the same impact?
> Thanks.
> Lorenzo wrote
> > Great work Rich!!!!
> >
> >
> >
> > My best compliments.
> >
> >
> >
> > Lorenzo
> >
> >
> >
> > Da: Pharo-users [mailto:
> > pharo-users-bounces@.pharo
> > ] Per conto di Richard Kenneth Eng
> > Inviato: lunedì 6 gennaio 2020 19:07
> > A:
> > pharo-users@.pharo
> > Oggetto: [Pharo-users] Smalltalk: It’s Not Your Grandfather’s Programming
> > Language
> >
> >
> >
> > https://levelup.gitconnected.com/smalltalk-its-not-your-grandfather-s-programming-language-f1985eaa17ff
> --
> Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html

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