We could agree to a win-win solution, "a' la Franklin Covey"
designing an automotive market solution, written in Smalltalk, for
Maserati (Modena), Tesla (Palo Alto) and why not Ferrari (Maranello).

All automotive brand will migrate their lines to full electric or
hybrid models.

What do Smalltalk needs to replace C[++]/Java in automotive market
solutions ?

(I saw either Ferrari & Maserati buildings and/or plants, I had to plan
a trip to Palo Alto ... and Hawtorne, for SpaceX)



On 06/01/2020 20:59, tbrunz wrote:
Richard!  Smalltalk is /the electric car of development systems/!

You need to lead with an image of a *Tesla Model S*, not a Maserati!

What do most people associate with Italian sports cars?  Expensive,
impractical, temperamental, always in need of (expensive) maintenance, etc.

Smalltalk is none of these things...  Inexpensive, more practical than most
people imagine, robust and resilient, minimal maintenance, etc.  It's more
like a trusty sports utility vehicle -- so maybe an image of a Tesla Model X
(or Y) fits even better.

Another way Smalltalk is like an e-car: Electric cars extremely popular when
automobiles were new, fell out of favor, are today misunderstood by the
majority, but are being "rediscovered" and found to better in almost every
way compared to "what's popular" (ICE vehicles).  Those who drive them just
LOVE them, and so the stage is set for the rEVolution: the renaissance of
electric cars.

And so it is for Smalltalk.

tl;dr:  Smalltalk:e-cars::Pharo:Tesla
Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html

Ing. Davide Grandi
email  : davide.gra...@email.it
mobile : +39 339 7468 778

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