Awesome, thanks for the effort Marcus! 

I was wondering if it would be useful to use matrix-testing for MetaLinks. I 
imagine having example methods which employ all features of the Smalltalk 
syntax (syntax on a postcard?), for which all intermediate results of 
expressions are known, then apply MetaLinks in all possible combinations 
(arguments x control) and check the reifications and side-effects against the 
oracle. Then the tests would generate a matrix of which combinations work and 
which don't. This should cover most of the possible executions.


> On 28 Nov 2018, at 11:55, Marcus Denker <> wrote:
>>>> iii) How are cascaded message sends reified? Am I supposed to instrument 
>>>> the cascade node or the individual message sends?
>> <>
>> It turns out this is just not implemented. Single message sends *inside* 
>> should work (as it calls the same code as a normal send to emit code).
>> But even that needs tests.
>> Cascade itself needs some code for links, then it will be easy to add 
>> reifications for #receiver and #value (and #operation).
> Done:
> <>
>       Marcus

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