I already have a fix for i) i) How do I reify the value of an RB(Valuel|Literal|LiteralValue)Node?
I will commit it later today. Marcus > On 19 Nov 2018, at 22:14, Manuel Leuenberger <leuenber...@inf.unibe.ch> wrote: > > Thanks for picking this up into the backlog. I am not blocked if I don't have > them, I was just curious. I am quite intrigued with the idea of reyfing the > runtime semantics, this opens a whole lot of opportunities for tools based on > dynamic data. > > On Nov 19, 2018 17:40, Marcus Denker <marcus.den...@inria.fr> wrote: > Hi, > > Thanks! I will check all of them… it might very well be that they are not > implemented / there are bugs. > > I will add them to the bug list. > > (the problem is that each of them takes effort… write test, stare at > byte-code… so it will take some time) > > On 19 Nov 2018, at 09:30, Manuel Leuenberger <leuenber...@inf.unibe.ch > <mailto:leuenber...@inf.unibe.ch>> wrote: > > Hi, > > I am currently playing with MetaLinks in Pharo 7 and stumbled upon some > issues. For example, I found that instrumenting message sends may break > compilation (see > https://pharo.fogbugz.com/f/cases/22681/Metalink-on-message-may-break-compilation > > <https://pharo.fogbugz.com/f/cases/22681/Metalink-on-message-may-break-compilation>). > Two other issues also arised: > > i) How do I reify the value of an RB(Valuel|Literal|LiteralValue)Node? > RFValueReification does not work, and there is no reification for literal, > value, or literal value nodes. > ii) How do I reify arguments and results of blocks? I tried reify context for > the block body #before and value for #after block "last", but I often run > into the problem of no reification for literals. > iii) How are cascaded message sends reified? Am I supposed to instrument the > cascade node or the individual message sends? > > I am grateful for any pointers towards a solution. BTW, Marcus' lecture > slides give a great intro to metalinks > (http://marcusdenker.de/talks/18LectureMetaLinks/MetaLinks.pdf > <http://marcusdenker.de/talks/18LectureMetaLinks/MetaLinks.pdf>). > > Cheers, > Manuel > > >