>> i) How do I reify the value of an RB(Valuel|Literal|LiteralValue)Node? 
>> RFValueReification does not work, and there is no reification for literal, 
>> value, or literal value nodes.

This is now fixed. All subclasses of RBValueNode with the exception of Cascade 
now support #value. (Cascade: see below).

>> ii) How do I reify arguments and results of blocks? I tried reify context 
>> for the block body #before and value for #after block "last", but I often 
>> run into the problem of no reification for literals.

I added issue tracker entries:

The story is that we for now unified links on BlockNode to be the same as a 
link on the block body (as we have with RBMethodNode).

But this is wrong:  a link on a block (e.g. ) [1] should fire when the block 
*definition* is evaluated. Only a link on the body should fire on execution.

If we link on the body, it will be possible to reify the #value (which is the 
value of the last statement).

So this is some work (and a non-backward compatible change), but will be done 
till next week I hope.

>> iii) How are cascaded message sends reified? Am I supposed to instrument the 
>> cascade node or the individual message sends?


It turns out this is just not implemented. Single message sends *inside* should 
work (as it calls the same code as a normal send to emit code).
But even that needs tests.

Cascade itself needs some code for links, then it will be easy to add 
reifications for #receiver and #value (and #operation).

I will do that today I hope.


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