I like also the Borg approach and having Pharo ideas and tech glued/enhancing not only to other techs, but also to other cultural practices, like writing . That's why I'm supporting (Pandoc's) Markdown and data storytelling in Pharo. They connect us to several communities beyond programmers: activists, journalists, (not computer science) scientists and researchers.
Cheers, Offray On 30/12/17 22:41, Kjell Godo wrote: > i like Pharo > and i want Pharo to do well and i want to use Pharo > and i like very much all the work being done on Pharo yes > I’m very impressed and hopeful > and i would not wish for that to slow down > but can Pharo do everything by itself? i don’t think so > i used to feel like i could not leave Smalltalk > and andy’s comments and bullet proof correctness > because the outside world was such a barrier to entry > and the outside world was always missing something > that makes Smalltalk essential and so i felt like i > could not use those other things > but if Smalltalk could be added to those other things > then they could be ok and i could see using them > like Racket clojure CommonLisp Shen Coq Haskell SwiProlog > StrawberryProlog Pixie Forth Factor etc Ruby except it’s got a > hell of a syntax > erlang > if Smalltalk could be added to them then they could be ok > but without Smalltalk they look just like hell to me what a > travesty > unusable > i don’t like anything that smells like C all the C like like java etc > although turbo C was very nice so they had to kill it get > rid of it > because it’s like they are so inferior and yet everybody’s > first language is just like the quick sand you sink right into > never to be heard from again because God forbid you > should have to go through that again once is enough > so you sink right in never to be heard from again in any other venue > and it’s like these were just the langs that worked first > they got the network effect first and became the monopoly > and that’s why people use them because God forbid > for bid that you should learn something new we all say > if Smalltalk could be like the front end of some other things > Racket CommonLisp Shen etc then That is what i want > and Smalltalk could be a back end too for things that it > does well like i want to use gemstone etc > > let everything do what it does best and let them all talk > to each other is what i want > that’s the BorgLisp idea