i like Pharo and i want Pharo to do well and i want to use Pharo and i like very much all the work being done on Pharo yes I’m very impressed and hopeful and i would not wish for that to slow down but can Pharo do everything by itself? i don’t think so i used to feel like i could not leave Smalltalk and andy’s comments and bullet proof correctness because the outside world was such a barrier to entry and the outside world was always missing something that makes Smalltalk essential and so i felt like i could not use those other things but if Smalltalk could be added to those other things then they could be ok and i could see using them like Racket clojure CommonLisp Shen Coq Haskell SwiProlog StrawberryProlog Pixie Forth Factor etc Ruby except it’s got a hell of a syntax erlang if Smalltalk could be added to them then they could be ok but without Smalltalk they look just like hell to me what a travesty unusable i don’t like anything that smells like C all the C like like java etc although turbo C was very nice so they had to kill it get rid of it because it’s like they are so inferior and yet everybody’s first language is just like the quick sand you sink right into never to be heard from again because God forbid you should have to go through that again once is enough so you sink right in never to be heard from again in any other venue and it’s like these were just the langs that worked first they got the network effect first and became the monopoly and that’s why people use them because God forbid for bid that you should learn something new we all say if Smalltalk could be like the front end of some other things Racket CommonLisp Shen etc then That is what i want and Smalltalk could be a back end too for things that it does well like i want to use gemstone etc
let everything do what it does best and let them all talk to each other is what i want that’s the BorgLisp idea