The configuration of seaside is the same before and after the
'Monticello new' loads. #278
It match the fact you don't see a ConfigurationOfSeaside3 download in
the transcript.

As I wrote in a previous email, if Seaside is not installed, the install
of Voyage doesn't trigger a Seaside install. Don't know if that specific
may help.


Le 17/02/2017 à 22:15, Dale Henrichs a écrit :
> The fact that you loaded Seaside3.1.x  is good enough for my purposes 
> .. the fact that Seaside3.2 is getting installed implies that there is a
> hard dependency on Seaside in one of the projects (Magritte3 perhaps?)
> ... odd that ConfigurationOfSeaside3 wasn't downloaded this time around
> --- Can you get the package version of ConfigurationOfSeaside3 that's in
> the image after the `Metacello new` loads?... I'll have to dive into the
> configurations now ...

Dr. Geo

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