You don't mention how you are loading Voyage. If I had the load
expression and Transcript output from the load, I'd pretty much be able
to tell pretty much what is going on.
I have a couple of theories about what could be going wrong, but without
the load expression and Transcript output, I'd only be guessing and of
course there is the possibility that you've discovered a bug in Metacello:)
If you'd like to get to the bottom of this, send me the load expression
and Transcript output and we'll go from there ...
On 02/17/2017 08:56 AM, Hilaire wrote:
Trying to understand this problem:
From my development image, I uninstalled all seaside, then I installed
Voyage. This time it went fine AND Seaside-core *was not* installed
during the process.
What the heck is going on?
When Seaside was present in my dev. image, installing Voyage make
Seaside-core to be installed/upgraded (it was marked as dirty in
Monticello, but no code change in fact) and it resulted in a broken
Seaside installation??
Is it Metacello voodoo?