
Thanks for the detailed information ...

I see that you are using the old-style loading of Voyage (`ConfigurationOfVoyageMongo load`) ... when using this style of loading, Metacello has to guess about which projects are loaded and what version of the project is loaded. I is possible that the behavior you are seeing is a direct result of Metacello guessing wrong.

I recommend that you load projects using the new style based on `Metacello new`:

  Metacello new
    configuration: 'Voyage';
    version: '???';
    repository: '???';

When using this style of loading, Metacello maintains a registry of loaded projects and no longer makes guesses what is loaded in the image...

From a cursory glance at the transcript output I see that version 3.2.1 of Seaside is being loaded and there appears to be a pretty much wholesale upgrade of Seaside as a bunch of new package versions are being loaded ... Do you happen to know what version of Seaside you originally loaded. I assume that you have an older version of Seaside loaded -- perhaps even Seaside 3.1?

As to "Why is a Seaside load being triggered at all?", there is nothing obvious -- I am suspicious that the old-style loading is causing the problem, but I don't have any hard evidence, yet.

I will have to start downloading specific configuration versions to complete my analysis and I have limited time left before I have to run some errands so I might not have answers until later this afternoon.

If you want to run an experiment in the meantime, you could try using the new-style Metacello load, just to see what happens ... if Seaside is still upgraded, the Transcript output would be useful as it will give me additional information.

If VoyageMongo loads correctly, then you are in business:)

BTW, you should probably load the latest version of Metacello into your Pharo4.0 image[1] before using the new-style load.


[1] https://github.com/dalehenrich/metacello-work#pharo30-pharo40-and-pharo50

On 02/17/2017 10:14 AM, Hilaire wrote:
Hi Dale,

At first I was more thinking of a problem in the dependencies of Voyage,
but then it seems not as with unload Seaside, Voyage get load. It did
not help anyway becasue Seaside can't be reinstalled (Obsolete class
syndrom hit there)

Voyage is installed as:

"VoyageMongo EstebanLorenzano.47"
ConfigurationOfVoyageMongo load

The transcript output in the attached document


Le 17/02/2017 à 18:54, Dale Henrichs a écrit :
You don't mention how you are loading Voyage. If I had the load
expression and Transcript output from the load, I'd pretty much be able
to tell pretty much what is going on.

I have a couple of theories about what could be going wrong, but without
the load expression and Transcript output, I'd only be guessing and of
course there is the possibility that you've discovered a bug in Metacello:)

If you'd like to get to the bottom of this, send me the load expression
and Transcript output and we'll go from there ...

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