Dale, I try out the lock feature on an archived image, the seaside uprade was still operating :(
I updated this image with latest Metacello, then I locked it as: Metacello image configuration: 'Seaside3'; version: ''; "most recent 3.1.x version" lock. It was the version returned by this command: ConfigurationOfSeaside3 new project currentVersion By the way it will make sense, and will be easily discoverable to have a short cut as "ConfigurationOfSeaside3 currentVersion" I don't remember how I installeed Seaside in the first place, I think it was from the configuration browser. Hilaire Le 19/02/2017 à 18:50, Dale Henrichs a écrit : > I mentioned last night that I thought that there was a better solution > to your problem and I think that if you load the latest Metacello and > then lock Seaside3: > > Metacello image > configuration: 'Seaside3'; > version: '3.1.5'; "most recent 3.1.x version" > lock. > > Then load Voyage, you shouldn't have the problem with Seaside being > updated to 3.2. Seaside does not support upgrade across minor version > numbers like 3.1 to 3.2 ... if the upgrade to 3.2 was allowed, you > wouldn't have this particular problem. -- Dr. Geo http://drgeo.eu