By the way, would someone know how to force the styler to re-style a text?
RubShoutStylerDecorator>># refreshStyling

So from the textArea something like:
(self decoratorNamed: #shoutStyler) ifNotNil: [ :styler | styler refreshStyling 

Best regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Pharo-users [] On Behalf Of 
Thierry Goubier
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 10:17 PM
Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Playgound inspecting

Le 27/04/2016 21:26, Hilaire a écrit :
> Now I remember I already asked several months ago, and it does not work.
> Editing on the value does not work for me.
> The same mis fortune is encountered with Pharo5
> I don't imagine how it can be like that and I fell unproductive now 
> with Playground and GTInspector, althought I acknowledge there are 
> nice ideas in these new tools but it can't be at the price of productivity.
> Hopefully you can switch to Workspace and EyeInspector.

With the help of Nicolai Hess, we worked a bit on improving syntax colouring 
for the EyeInspector and this has been integrated. Maybe someone can look into 
doing the same with GT (to correctly set #doItReceiver, #doItContext and a few 
other things related to syntax highlighting).

By the way, would someone know how to force the styler to re-style a text? When 
selecting another element in for example a EyeTreeInspector, this changes the 
reference class for syntax highlighting (and the styler correctly picks that) 
but the existing text isn't re-colored.


> Hilaire
> Le 27/04/2016 15:51, Sean P. DeNigris a écrit :
>> HilaireFernandes wrote
>>>> instance variables evaluate to nil in the bottom area of the 
>>>> integrated inspector.
>> There is no direct inst var access from the playground. I was 
>> initially shocked by this as well and have had to resort to 
>> #instVarNamed: on several occasions. On the bright side, you can edit 
>> the values in place in the 'Value' column above.

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