Thanks for reporting.

What obscure path issue?


On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 7:01 PM, Robert Shiplett <>wrote:

> I am dragging the image onto the pharo.exe in a newlynamed folder using an
> install whose README says date of Feb 25
> Pharo 3.0
> This distribution was built February 25, 2014.
> as for that pharo.exe
> created and last mod date is 12 7 2013
> the dir is
>    C:\Pharo3.0-winB\Pharo3.0
> and the dates for that Pharo3.0 dub-dir is today a few hours ago
> so if a drag-drop of
> Pharo-30782.image
> onto that exe in that same folder has some obscure path issue, that is a
> worry I would think.
> On 26 February 2014 08:52, Torsten Bergmann <> wrote:
>> Dear Robert,
>> I doubt that it is a general issue as I regulary try on various XP
>> combinations
>> (even today) and therefore guess that it is a local problem on your
>> single machine.
>> As you have other images and older VM's floating around it may be an
>> issue that you start the image with an old outdated VM.
>> Note that when you double click the image to start the Windows OS will
>> use the
>> executable (VM) which is associated with the *.image extension. If you had
>> older VM installations (Squeak or other) this may conflict.
>> Just to make sure can you please exactly follow these steps:
>>  1. download and extract in a
>> fresh directory
>>  2. download and extract 
>> the same directory
>>  3. go to this directory and drag the Pharo image "Pharo-30782.image"
>> onto the "Pharo.exe"
>>     to make sure the system is exactly started with this combination and
>> no other VM or image
>>     is involved
>> Then tell us if this works or (if it still fails) what the system
>> reprorts to you
>> initially.
>> You should also check: in World Menu -> "Tools" -> "SystemReporter",
>> there you
>> should check the entry "VM general" which will tell you excactly the VM
>> you
>> are running on.
>> If you select all entries in this "System Reporter" you can send the
>> report here
>> so we know more about your environment.
>> Thx
>> T.


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