On 9 July 2013 09:13, Stéphane Ducasse <stephane.duca...@inria.fr> wrote:
>>> First, not all programming languages are like this: You can easily run 
>>> other VMs (e.g., Java) with more than 3 GB. But, let's not even go there: I 
>>> can run Pharo with 1Gb on Mac without problems. According to your reasoning 
>>> we might end up downgrading the Mac VM. Some data does not fit in memory, 
>>> but if I can get all my data in my image, I will choose to do it.
>>> I am not saying that we should compare with Java, or that it is the end of 
>>> the world that the Windows VM is highly restricted. I am simply saying that 
>>> we should not dismiss this as a problem just because we do not know how, or 
>>> do not have the resources to solve it right now.
>>> After all, we are here to change the world :).
>> Yes, but this topic was raised multiple times already. Maybe we should
>> stop wasting time on it?
>> All you need to do, to change the limit, go to
>> platforms/win32/vm/sqWin32Alloc.h
>> And change this:
>> #define MAX_VIRTUAL_MEMORY 512*1024*1024
>> #endif
>> So, if you want more, build VM with any limit you see fit.
>> But there's a reason why in official VM its 512.
> Igor this is a real issue and we are all fighting to get more members in the 
> consortium
> so that one day we can hire a guy like you to address it.


> Stef

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.

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