On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 5:44 PM, Dimitri Fontaine
<dimi...@2ndquadrant.fr> wrote:
> Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> writes:
>>> I can get behind this argument: force all stuff through ProcessUtility
>>> for regularity, and not necessarily in the first patch for this feature.
>> That seems like a pretty heavy dependency on an implementation detail
>> that we might want to change at some point.
> Given ProcessUtility_hook, how much of an implementation detail rather
> than a public API are we talking about?

I think that a hook and an SQL command are not on the same level.
Hooks are not documented; SQL commands are.  You may, of course,

But the basic point is that it seems pretty weird to say, on the one
hand, these are command triggers.  They fire when you execute a
command.  So the CREATE TABLE trigger will fire when someone says
CREATE TABLE.  But then we say, oh, well if you use CREATE SCHEMA foo
CREATE TABLE blah ... we will fire the trigger anyway.  Now it's not a
command trigger any more; it's a trigger that fires when you perform a
certain operation - e.g. create a table.  Unless, of course, you
create the table using CREATE TABLE AS SELECT or SELECT .. INTO.  Then
it doesn't fire.  Unless we decide to make those utility commands,
which I think was just recently under discussion, in which case it
will suddenly start firing for those operations.  So now something
that is, right now, an essentially an implementation detail which we
can rearrange as we like turns into a user-visible behavior change.
And what if some day we want to change it back?

I think it would be a much better idea to decree from the beginning
that we're trapping the *operation* of creating a table, rather than
the *command* create table.  Then, the behavior is clear and
well-defined from day one, and it doesn't depend on how we happen to
implement things internally right at the moment.  If there's some way
of creating a table without firing the trigger, it's a bug.  If
there's some way of firing the trigger without attempting to create a
table, it's a bug.  That might require some more thought about what
information to pass to the trigger function (e.g. if it's a SELECT ..
INTO, you're not going to have pregenerated SQL that starts with the
words "CREATE TABLE") but the fact that gives much more clear
definition to the core feature seems like a big plus in my book.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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