Robert Haas <> writes:
> Previous emails from Tom seem to indicate that the mandate of -core is
> mostly to decide things like the timing of releases.  If we gave that
> job to somebody else, would there be anything left for -core to do?
> If so, what?  And on the flip side, it is precisely because of the
> lack of a clear statement on release timing from -core that we're
> having these discussions here on -hackers.

The core team sees its scheduling powers as more like this:
not as determining now what the 8.5 schedule will be.

And yeah, the reason it's a private list has to do with security and
similar problems, not with discussions of long-term project scheduling.
The latter *should* happen on hackers, which is exactly where we're
having it.  I think if the -hackers community got deadlocked, core
would try to use its authority to break the deadlock, but I see no
indication that that's needed here.

                        regards, tom lane

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