On Tue, Nov 17, 2020 at 09:24:30PM +0100, Daniel Gustafsson wrote:
> I tend to agree, randomness is complicated enough without adding a compile 
> time
> extensibility which few (if anyone) will ever use.  Attached is an attempt at
> this.

Going down to that, it seems to me that we could just remove
USE_WIN32_RANDOM (as this is implied by WIN32), as well as
USE_DEV_URANDOM because configure.ac checks for the existence of
/dev/urandom, no?  In short, configure.ac could be changed to check
after /dev/urandom if not using OpenSSL and not being on Windows.

-elif test x"$USE_WIN32_RANDOM" = x"1" ; then
+elif test x"$PORTANME" = x"win32" ; then

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