Magnus Hagander <> writes:
> I think the defensive-in-code instead of defensive-in-docs is a really
> strong argument, so I have pushed it as such.

I notice warnings that I think are caused by this patch on some buildfarm
members, eg

 drongo        | 2020-11-15 06:59:05 | 
C:\prog\bf\root\HEAD\\src\port\pg_strong_random.c(96,11): warning 
C4013: 'RAND_poll' undefined; assuming extern returning int 
 drongo        | 2020-11-15 06:59:05 | 
C:\prog\bf\root\HEAD\\src\port\pg_strong_random.c(96,11): warning 
C4013: 'RAND_poll' undefined; assuming extern returning int 
 drongo        | 2020-11-15 06:59:05 |   
C:\prog\bf\root\HEAD\\src\port\pg_strong_random.c(96,11): warning 
C4013: 'RAND_poll' undefined; assuming extern returning int 
 drongo        | 2020-11-15 06:59:05 |   
C:\prog\bf\root\HEAD\\src\port\pg_strong_random.c(96,11): warning 
C4013: 'RAND_poll' undefined; assuming extern returning int 

(bowerbird and hamerkop are showing the same).

My first thought about it was that this bit is busted:

+#ifndef USE_OPENSSL
+   RAND_poll();

The obvious problem with this is that if !USE_OPENSSL, we will not have
pulled in openssl's headers.

However ... all these machines are pointing at line 96, which is not
that one but the one under "#if defined(USE_OPENSSL)".  So I'm not sure
what to make of that, except that a bit more finesse seems required.

                        regards, tom lane

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