Jamison, Kirk wrote:
> On February 1, 2019, Tsunakawa, Takayuki wrote: 
> > > As most people seem to agree adding the reloption, here's the patch.  
> > > It passes make check, and works like this:
> > Sorry, I forgot to include the modified header file.  Revised patch 
> > attached.
> I wonder if there is a better reloption name for shrink_enabled. 
> (truncate_enabled, vacuum_enabled? Hmm. No?)
> On the other hand, shrink_enabled seems to describe well what it's supposed 
> to do when vacuuming tables.
> Besides there's a similarly-named autovacuum_enabled option.
I like "shrink_enabled".

It may sound weird in the ears of PostgreSQL hackers, but will make sense to 

Perhaps "vacuum_shrink_enabled" would be even better.

Laurenz Albe

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