Dear Hou, Peter,

Thanks for giving comments! PSA new version.
Almost comments were addressed.
What's new:
0001 - IsTwoPhaseTransactionGidForSubid() was updated per comment from Hou-san 
          Some nitpicks were accepted.
0002 - An argument in CheckAlterSubOption() was renamed to " slot_needs_update "
          Some nitpicks were accepted.
0003 - Some nitpicks were accepted.

Below part contains the reason why I rejected some comments.

> CommonChecksForFailoverAndTwophase:
> nitpick - added Assert for the generic-looking "option" parameter name

The style looks strange for me, using multiple strcmp() is more straightforward.
Added like that.

> 1c.
> If the error checks can be moved to be done up-front, then all the 
> 'needs_update'
> can be combined. Avoiding multiple checks to 'needs_update' will make this 
> function simpler.

This style was needed to preserve error condition for failover option. Not 


Best regards,
Hayato Kuroda

Attachment: v19-0001-Allow-altering-of-two_phase-option-of-a-SUBSCRIP.patch
Description: v19-0001-Allow-altering-of-two_phase-option-of-a-SUBSCRIP.patch

Attachment: v19-0002-Alter-slot-option-two_phase-only-when-altering-t.patch
Description: v19-0002-Alter-slot-option-two_phase-only-when-altering-t.patch

Attachment: v19-0003-Notify-users-to-roll-back-prepared-transactions.patch
Description: v19-0003-Notify-users-to-roll-back-prepared-transactions.patch

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