> On Apr 28, 2016, at 6:44 AM, Vik Fearing <v...@2ndquadrant.fr> wrote:
> On 04/27/2016 10:22 PM, Steve Atkins wrote:
>> Is there any way to install an extension either from a SQL connection or 
>> from a user-defined directory instead of .../extensions?
>> (And if not, is there a TODO here?)
> There is actually a TODON'T here. Search the pgsql-hackers archives for
> some very, very long reading about "extension templates".
> This was (I think) the last thread about it:
> www.postgresql.org/message-id/flat/m2bo5hfiqb....@2ndquadrant.fr

That's a very long thread. OK, I'll give up on using the extension

Time to either fork pg_partman or write a little perl script that converts
extensions to not-extensions, I guess.


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