I have an app that would benefit from being able to use pg_partman rather than 
doing it's own ad-hoc partition management.

Unfortunately, some of the places where the app needs to run don't have root 
access to the database server filesystem, so I can't install the extension in 
the postgresql extensions directory.

I could get all the pg_partman functionality by modifying the extension SQL 
script to remove the extension functionality and installing the functions in it 
manually, but then I can't take advantage of the extension features for 
backups, config tables, upgrades and so on - and it's probably not going to 
interact well if someone does a "create extension pg_partman" in the database.

Is there any way to install an extension either from a SQL connection or from a 
user-defined directory instead of .../extensions?

(And if not, is there a TODO here?)


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