On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 2:47 PM, Adrian Klaver <adrian.kla...@aklaver.com>

> On 04/27/2016 01:22 PM, Steve Atkins wrote:
>> I have an app that would benefit from being able to use pg_partman rather
>> than doing it's own ad-hoc partition management.
>> Unfortunately, some of the places where the app needs to run don't have
>> root access to the database server filesystem, so I can't install the
>> extension in the postgresql extensions directory.
>> I could get all the pg_partman functionality by modifying the extension
>> SQL script to remove the extension functionality and installing the
>> functions in it manually, but then I can't take advantage of the extension
>> features for backups, config tables, upgrades and so on - and it's probably
>> not going to interact well if someone does a "create extension pg_partman"
>> in the database.
>> Is there any way to install an extension either from a SQL connection or
>> from a user-defined directory instead of .../extensions?
> Have not tried it, but you might want to take a look at:
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.5/interactive/extend-extensions.html
> A control file can set the following parameters:
> directory (string)
>     The directory containing the extension's SQL script file(s). Unless an
> absolute path is given, the name is relative to the installation's SHAREDIR
> directory. The default behavior is equivalent to specifying directory =
> 'extension'.
​Un-researched thoughts here...​

​his still doesn't avoid the problem of somehow getting to access to

​I suspect that any extension that is not SQL-only is going to be
problematic - period.  Wh​at I'd like, though, is a way to hook into the
extension mechanism for SQL-only extensions.  More specifically, having
some blessed way to install a PGXN SQL-only module into a server using only
psql/libpq.  Especially being able to do so by pointing to a local tarball
of said PGXN extension.  I haven't looked into this at all, though.
Ultimately the result could be used when working RDS and similar hosting

David J.

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