On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 12:45, A. Kretschmer
<andreas.kretsch...@schollglas.com> wrote:
> In response to Magnus Hagander :
>> 2010/1/21 Bjørn T Johansen <b...@havleik.no>:
>> > We are going to be setting up a PostgreSQL server on a guest under VMWare 
>> > ESX 4... Is there any performance improvement by choosing 64bits Linux over
>> > 32bits Linux as the guest OS or is it almost the same?
>> How much resources do you plan to give the machine?
>> If you're setting up a very constrained machine with little memory, go
>> with the 32-bit version. It'll use slightly less memory which can be
>> important if you're constrained.
>> If you're setting up a medium size or bigger machine (2Gb+ memory),
>> use a 64-bit version. If you plan you may eventually need to increase
> Really? With ONLY 2Gb? Why? What is the performance improvement, with
> 64Bit all pointers and so on needs more memory so i'm expecting lesser
> memory for the data.
> I'm wrong?

While the theoretical limit is a bit higher, the fact that you have to
reinstall once you've realized you wanted to add a little bit more
memory.... More important to me at least :-)

 Magnus Hagander
 Me: http://www.hagander.net/
 Work: http://www.redpill-linpro.com/

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