In response to Magnus Hagander :
> 2010/1/21 Bjørn T Johansen <>:
> > We are going to be setting up a PostgreSQL server on a guest under VMWare 
> > ESX 4... Is there any performance improvement by choosing 64bits Linux over
> > 32bits Linux as the guest OS or is it almost the same?
> How much resources do you plan to give the machine?
> If you're setting up a very constrained machine with little memory, go
> with the 32-bit version. It'll use slightly less memory which can be
> important if you're constrained.
> If you're setting up a medium size or bigger machine (2Gb+ memory),
> use a 64-bit version. If you plan you may eventually need to increase

Really? With ONLY 2Gb? Why? What is the performance improvement, with
64Bit all pointers and so on needs more memory so i'm expecting lesser
memory for the data.

I'm wrong?

Andreas Kretschmer
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