On Thu, 21 Jan 2010 10:43:31 +0100
Magnus Hagander <mag...@hagander.net> wrote:

> 2010/1/21 Bjørn T Johansen <b...@havleik.no>:
> > We are going to be setting up a PostgreSQL server on a guest under VMWare 
> > ESX 4... Is there any performance improvement by choosing 64bits Linux
> > over 32bits Linux as the guest OS or is it almost the same?
> How much resources do you plan to give the machine?
> If you're setting up a very constrained machine with little memory, go
> with the 32-bit version. It'll use slightly less memory which can be
> important if you're constrained.
> If you're setting up a medium size or bigger machine (2Gb+ memory),
> use a 64-bit version. If you plan you may eventually need to increase
> the size of the machine, go with the 64-bit one from the beginning,
> because changing from 32 to 64 bit requires dump/reload.

ok... we were thinking about 2GB RAM, so maybe we should try 64bit.... :)


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