----- "Paolo Saudin" <pa...@ecometer.it> wrote:

> >-----Messaggio originale-----
> >Da: pgsql-general-ow...@postgresql.org
> [mailto:pgsql-general-ow...@postgresql.org] Per conto di Adrian
> Klaver
> >Inviato: giovedì 12 febbraio 2009 17.28
> >A: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
> >Cc: Paolo Saudin
> >Oggetto: Re: [GENERAL] How to check if 2 series of data are equal
> >On Thursday 12 February 2009 12:06:41 am Paolo Saudin wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I have 14 tables filled with meteorological data, one record per
> parameter
> >> per hour. The id field holds the parameter type (1=temperature,
> 2=humidity
> >> ...) My problem is that for short periods (maybe one week, one
> month) there
> >> are two stations with the same data, I mean the temperature of
> table1 is
> >> equal to the humidity of table3. I need to discover those cases.
> >Before I can start to answer this I need some clarification. How can
> temperature 
> >and humidity be the same data? 
> Can be the same data ( and it is ) because of errors in the remote
> stations configurations. 
> The Stations and parameters IDs were mixed up resulting in same data
> in different tables ...

I am afraid I more confused now. From the table schema the value is a real 
number only and has no units. As I understand the units designation lies in the 
id. If the ids are mixed up I can't see how it is possible to differentiate 
between a value of 25 that maybe degrees C or % relative humidity for instance. 
You are going to have to step me through this.

Adrian Klaver

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