Hiroshi Inoue <in...@tpf.co.jp> writes:
> I'm thinking of the following steps in the backend code.

> 1.Set LC_MESSAGES to "C" until the client_encoding is
>   determined.
> 2.When a client_encoding is specifed in the startup
>   message, bind the corrsponding codeset to the
>   textdomain and set LC_MESSAGES to the specified one
>   in the startup message or restore the LC_MESSAGES
>   overridden by step 1 before authorization step.
>   Then we can see properly localized authorization
>   failure messages.

> 3.Reset LC_MESSAGES to the current one in Initialize
>   ClientEncoding() and unbind the codeset if necessary
>   in SetDatabaseEncoding().

Reflecting on the bigger picture ...  I would imagine that the vast
majority of existing applications depend on client_encoding settings
that come from postgresql.conf, ALTER USER SET, ALTER DATABASE SET, or
just the default (== database encoding).  I don't think a solution that
penalizes those cases and makes only the case of setting it via
PGCLIENTENCODING work nicely is going to make very many people happy.

Mind you, I don't really know how to do better, but I do see that the
case of client_encoding being specified in the startup message is
not going to help enough people to be particularly useful.

                        regards, tom lane

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