Tom Lane wrote:
> Peter Eisentraut <> writes:
>> Tom Lane wrote:
>>> Reflecting on the bigger picture ...  I would imagine that the vast
>>> majority of existing applications depend on client_encoding settings
>>> that come from postgresql.conf, ALTER USER SET, ALTER DATABASE SET, or
>>> just the default (== database encoding).  I don't think a solution that
>>> penalizes those cases and makes only

not only but also the JDBC driver or the ODBC driver sends the
startup packet including the client_encoding. Libpq can be changed
to allow *client_encoding=xxxxx* definition in conninfo.

> the case of setting it via
>>> PGCLIENTENCODING work nicely is going to make very many people happy.

Not a few libraries/applications issue SET client_encoding to ...
immediately after the connection was establised. What's wrong with
urging such clients to eliminate the SET commands and use the nice
feature of FE/BE procotol?

Hiroshi Inoue

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