On 2008-10-17 12:13, Mikkel Høgh wrote:

>> You're supposed to use "Reply to all" if you want to reply to the
>> list.
> Well, I think the most common use case for a mailing list is to reply  
> back to the list, isn't that the whole point?

It is a point of having "Reply to all" button. With "reply-to" is it
hard to reply to one person, easy to reply to the list. Without it it is
both easy.

> Personally I find it annoying that I get two copies of each reply to  
> one of my posts, one that is filtered into the mailinglist folder  
> because it has the correct X-Mailing-List header and the other just  
> sits there in my inbox, wasting both bandwidth and disk space in the  
> process.

So set reply-to in messages you send by yourself - it will be honored.

> Besides, the if the Reply-To thing is so dangerous, why do most other  
> mailing lists do it?

for i in Windows MySQL IE Sweets Alcohol etc.; do
        echo "If using $i is so dangerous, why do most do it?"

...although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a
moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you
                                                      Winnie the Pooh

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