On 16/10/2008, at 18.27, Scott Marlowe wrote:

On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 9:26 AM, Stephen Frost <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
* DelGurth ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
Seems Tomasz linked to the wrong patch. The patch he meant was:
That's much better.

Also nice to see people "benchmark" differences by just executing a
query once[2][3]....
This thread is insane..  Is every change to drupal run through this  
of design-by-committee?  And the paranoia of a cost difference of  
for something which ends up getting cached for one particular storage
engine under one particular database?!

Makes me worried about drupal's future, heh.
In all fairness, pgsql goes through the same kind of design by
committee process.  We just have a committee of very smart people
hashing things out.
Well, I think it's a general weak spot of almost all CMS projects.  
They are all run by programmers, not DBAs. In our case, it's PHP  
people excel at, (sadly) not *SQL. That's a trend I've seen a lot with  
web developers. They like to program, and the database is usually  
abstracted away as much as possible, to avoid having to write your own  
That is, at least, the picture I'm seeing. PHP PDO, ActiveRecord,  
SQLAlchemy, Django DB, Hibernate. Not all of these are equally bad,  
but the main reason these are so popular is that then you don't have  
to write SQL.
So, we have a lot of otherwise proficient programmers who couldn't SQL  
their way out a phone booth. Sigh.
P.S.: Why are e-mails from this list not sent with a Reply-To: header  
of the lists e-mail-address?

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