On 2008-10-16 23:17, Mikkel Høgh wrote:

> P.S.: Why are e-mails from this list not sent with a Reply-To: header  
> of the lists e-mail-address?

Because it is dangerous - too easy to send to the list, when you really
mean to send to one. Most e-mail programs have two buttons for replying:
ordinary "Reply" and "Reply to all". You're supposed to use "Reply to
all" if you want to reply to the list.

You are using BCC (blind carbon copy) instead of CC (carbon copy) to the
list address in your e-mails and you break this functionality.

...although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a
moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you
                                                      Winnie the Pooh

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