In response to Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > There does seem to be some evidence of problems historically with PHP
> > and persistent connections in PostgreSQL, on the PHP forums. The advice
> > is typically to avoid them.
> You'll find the same advice for mysql + persistent connections or any
> other db + persistent connections. It's not a php+postgres thing.

They're manageable if you know all the ins and outs.  The big advantage
is speed, as they avoid the cost of establishing the initial TCP
connection and logging in.  In my experiments, this cut the run time
for the average script in half.

But you have to deal with managing an overwhelming # of perpetually
open connections, which takes a lot of resources on both the server and
the client side, in addition to problems like connection settings persisting
from one script to the next.

My opinion is avoid them unless you have a demonstrated need for the
speed increase.  In that case, make sure you have the time to understand
and code for all the potential issues.

Bill Moran
Collaborative Fusion Inc.

Phone: 412-422-3463x4023

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