On Thursday 24. July 2008, admin wrote:

>It seems that some of PHP's PG functions have changed recently, are
>there any known issues with them?

I've been using PHP with PostgreSQL for 5 years, and haven't noticed any 
substantial changes.

>while ($row = pg_fetch_array($query)) {
>   $content = $row[0]
>echo $content;
>$content was always 'undeclared'.

You have to use an intermediate variable like a handle. Try this:

$handle = pg_query("SELECT whatever FROM foo");
while ($row = pg_fetch_array($handle) {
    $content = $row[0];

> Any pointers to good documentation covering PHP + PG, or any well
> known gotchas?

You can download my pg+php genealogy app "exodus" from here:


The code is certainly not stellar, but it works for me. Note that the 
code is intended for running in a private environment, and there are no 
security features whatsoever.
Leif Biberg Kristensen | Registered Linux User #338009
Me And My Database: http://solumslekt.org/blog/
My Jazz Jukebox: http://www.last.fm/user/leifbk/

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