On Fri Jul 25 01:03 PM, Joshua D. Drake wrote:
> On Fri, 2008-07-25 at 12:29 -0400, Bill Wordsworth wrote:
>> Obviously he is a newbie out of the woods- couldn't make a connection 
>> and print results something that the rest of us have been doing for 
>> years. It is newbies like him and fan-boys of Ruby/Python/Perl who 
>> give PHP a bad name.
> No. It because PHP is developed wrong. If you talk to "engineers" and 
> you say to them, "Can you take a look at this code and tell me what 
> you think?". Any engineer worth their salt is going to tell you that 
> the PHP code is scary. Whereas the PostgreSQL code is nicely done.
> (notice I have not used the word perfect anywhere.)

Uhm, let's not start a PHP debate. Traditionally PHP in terms of design
philosophy is more 
like mySQL: "whatever works". PostgreSQL is more an enterprise level
database and cares about
the "enterprise" architecture. 

"PHP is just and always was a hack."  
I'd say "the Web is just and always was a hack", so for the Web: PHP is an
excellent language and in my opinion the best. 
I don't like statements like "is developed wrong", there's no right or wrong
just different approaches to specific problems with advantages and

You don't see people making hats out of heavily engineered machines do you?
That said PHP is improving and does deserve more "enterprise respect" mostly
thanks to support from Zend (http://www.zend.com/en/) and other companies.

I use .NET, java and PHP and with experience you learn to use/speak the
right language for the job. "hack" languages sometimes get the job done

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