On Fri, 2008-07-25 at 12:29 -0400, Bill Wordsworth wrote:
> Obviously he is a newbie out of the woods- couldn't make a connection
> and print results something that the rest of us have been doing for
> years. It is newbies like him and fan-boys of Ruby/Python/Perl who
> give PHP a bad name.

No, it is PHP that gives PHP a bad name. That being said, it depends on
your perception. I personally have zero problem with PHP. It has always
done what I have asked of it. I do however prefer Python.

>  But I fail to understand the little animosity
> within some PostgreSQL users to PHP- is it the LAMP stack?

No. It because PHP is developed wrong. If you talk to "engineers" and
you say to them, "Can you take a look at this code and tell me what you
think?". Any engineer worth their salt is going to tell you that the PHP
code is scary. Whereas the PostgreSQL code is nicely done. (notice I
have not used the word perfect anywhere.)

There are also particulars about the language that are just wrong (as I
understand it). Specifically in consistency, namespace issues and some

Coming from my perspective, I could care less that PHPs code is a
gnarled mess because I am not a C developer. Nor am I what would be
considered a Software Engineer. I am a hack of a developer and a
reasonable DBA/Sysadmin. My job is Consultant.

If I were an Engineer and I work with several, I wouldn't like PHP
either. The majority of known PostgreSQL community people are Engineers.
Thus you get the hating.


Joshua D. Drake

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