Andreas 'ads' Scherbaum wrote:
> Hello,
> First of all, it would help you and most of the readers on this list,
> if you have the error messages in english. There is a german
> mailinglist too, if you want to ask in german.  

Sorry, I tried to describe the issue as best as I could and included the actual 
log entries only for completeness, but was in too much of a hurry to find the 
correct translations.

> vacuum all databases, add the VERBOSE option to see, what actually
> happens. 

Alas, too late, I got rid of the offending 'postgres' database already by 
dropping and recreating.

> Are you using the database 'postgres' at all? 

No, not at all. Didn't touch it ever after initdb.

> And are you sure, that you include all databases? 

Yes. I run the following every night:

su postgres -c '/opt/pgsql/bin/psql -t -c "select datname from pg_database 
order by datname;" template1 | xargs -n 1 /opt/pgsql/bin/psql -q -c "vacuum 
verbose analyze;"'

> Any error messages in the vacuum output? 


> Oh, and by the way: why do you have autovacuum and a manual vacuum
> run every night plus the vacuum run with verbose? 

Paranoia, mostly, I think. I'm using PostgreSQL since long before autovacuum 
was introduced and always thought that it couldn't do any harm to keep my 
original vacuum job running once every night, even though autovacuum does a 
remarkable job, especially for a couple of busy tables where the nightly vacuum 
was not quite enough. Plus, having the verbose output from the log, I get 
useful info for setting the 'max_fsm_pages'/'max_fsm_relations'-options to 
sensible values. Is it a problem to have cron'ed VACUUM-runs in parallel with 

>> Urgent help would be very much appreciated.
> That's a bit late here ;-)

Ah, well obviously it wasn't - it's always an extremely pleasant surprise when 
one is actually in dire need of help and gets an almost immediate and helpful 

I wish you all happy Easter!

Kind regards


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