Sorry for the quick updates to my own messages, but I didn't want to lean back 
and wait - so I took to more aggressive measures. All my other databases in 
this cluster are fine - and the 'postgres' database doesn't seem to do anything 
really useful except being the default database. I dropped it and recreated it 
with template1 as template, afterwards I could start up my cluster with no 
problems whatsoever. I'd still like to find out what exactly happened here so I 
can prevent the same from happening again in the future. The age(datfrozenxid) 
is positive again:
# SELECT datname, age(datfrozenxid), datfrozenxid FROM pg_database where 
 datname  |    age    | datfrozenxid
 postgres | 100291695 |   3882762765
(1 Zeile)

As I mentioned earlier, I'm running autovaccuum and use a nightly cron to run 
vacuum verbose analyze over all my databases. So lack of vacuum cannot be the 
issue, I think. But what else could have happened here? I regularly scan my 
logs, and there was no early warning for this issue.
The first event of this type in the server log was from today:
<2008-03-21 17:08:48 CET - 32161: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx(52833)@magazine>WARNUNG:  
Datenbank »postgres« muss innerhalb von 11000000 Transaktionen gevacuumt werden
<2008-03-21 17:08:48 CET - 32161: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx(52833)@magazine>TIPP:  Um ein 
Abschalten der Datenbank zu vermeiden, führen Sie in »postgres« ein VACUUM über 
die komplette Datenbank aus.
(i.e. database 'postgres' need to be vacuumed within 11000000 transactions...)
A mere three hours later, the server already refused any further requests:
<2008-03-21 20:05:21 CET - 25184: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx(60837)@magazine>FEHLER:  
Datenbank nimmt keine Befehle an, um Datenverlust in Datenbank »postgres« wegen 
Transaktionsnummernüberlauf zu vermeiden

(ie. database no longer accepts any commands in order to prevent data loss in 
database 'postgres' because of transaction id wraparound)
Now that the adrenaline level has dropped to normal, I'd still like to know 
what exactly has happened here; The cluster has been initdb'ed on 2007-04-27.
Kind regards

Computec Media AG
Sitz der Gesellschaft und Registergericht: Fürth (HRB 8818)
Vorstandsmitglieder: Johannes S. Gözalan (Vorsitzender) und Niels Herrmann
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Jürg Marquard 
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer: DE 812 575 276

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