"Markus Wollny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Sorry for the quick updates to my own messages, but I didn't want to
> lean back and wait - so I took to more aggressive measures. All my
> other databases in this cluster are fine - and the 'postgres' database
> doesn't seem to do anything really useful except being the default
> database. I dropped it and recreated it with template1 as template,
> afterwards I could start up my cluster with no problems
> whatsoever.

Yeah, if there were no other problems apparent in pg_database I was
going to suggest that as a recovery method.

> I'd still like to find out what exactly happened here so I
> can prevent the same from happening again in the future.

Me too.  It would seem that something did a vacuum of postgres
with a strange choice of xid cutoff, but I can't think of what
would cause that.

Do you ever do VACUUM FREEZE on your databases?

                        regards, tom lane

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