"Markus Wollny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Just some more info, hoping that it helps with a diagnosis:
>  1: datname     (typeid = 19, len = 64, typmod = -1, byval = f)
>          2: age (typeid = 23, len = 4, typmod = -1, byval = t)
>          3: datfrozenxid        (typeid = 28, len = 4, typmod = -1, byval = t)
>         ----
>          1: datname = "postgres"        (typeid = 19, len = 64, typmod = -1, 
> byval = f)
>          2: age = "-2147321465" (typeid = 23, len = 4, typmod = -1, byval = t)
>          3: datfrozenxid = "1835116837" (typeid = 28, len = 4, typmod = -1, 
> byval = t)

What are the datfrozenxid's of the other rows in pg_database?
Do the other fields of postgres' row look sane?

                        regards, tom lane

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