On 10/4/07, Mike Ginsburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> export it.  Memory limit is a major concern, but the query for one row
> returns a result set too large and PHP fails.

If this is true, and one single db row makes php exceed its memory
limit just by returning it, you've done something very very in your

You'd proably be better served using either a plain text file system
to store these things, or large objects in postgresql.

But if you're stuffing ~8 megs worth of csv text data into a single
row* you're probably not using a very relational layout of your data.
And you're losing all the advantages (checking your data for
consistency and such) that a relational db could give you.

* Note that I'm assuming a few things up there.  1: php uses about 2:1
memory to store data it's holding, roughly.  If you're set to 16 Meg
max, I'm assuming your return set is 8Meg or larger.

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