On 10/4/07, Mike Ginsburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > This is for the export only. Since it is an export of ~50,000 registrants, > it takes some time to process. We also have load balanced web servers, so > unless I want to create identical processes on all webservers, or write some > crazy script to scp it across the board, storing it as a text file is not an > option. I realize that my way of doing it is flawed, which the reason I > came here for advice. The CSV contains data from approximately 15 tables, > several of which are many-to-ones making joins a little tricky. My thought > was to do all of the processing in the background, store the results in the > DB, and allowing the requester to download it at their convenience. > > Would it be a good idea to create a temporary table that stored all of the > export data in it broken out by rows and columns, and when download time > comes, query from their?
Yeah, I tend to think that would be better. Then you could use a cursor to retrieve then and serve them one line at a time and not have to worry about overloading your php server. ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your message can get through to the mailing list cleanly