Mike Ginsburg escreveu:
I am working on a personnel registry that has upwards of 50,000 registrants. Currently I am working on an export module that will create a CSV from multiple tables. I have managed to keep the script (PHP) under the memory limit
okay... some info needed here.
1. memory on the DB server
2. memory_limit on php.ini
when creating and inserting the CSV into the database. The problem comes when I try to query for the data and export it. Memory limit is a major concern, but the query for one row returns a result set too large and PHP fails.
a single row is enough to crash PHP ?

I've thought about storing the data in multiple rows and then querying one-by-one and outputting, but was hoping there was a better way.
if you can´t raise memory_limit, I think it´s the only way.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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