On 10/4/07, Alvaro Herrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mike Ginsburg wrote:
> > Hello,
> >  I am working on a personnel registry that has upwards of 50,000
> > registrants.  Currently I am working on an export module that will create a
> > CSV from multiple tables.  I have managed to keep the script (PHP) under
> > the memory limit when creating and inserting the CSV into the database.
> > The problem comes when I try to query for the data and export it.  Memory
> > limit is a major concern, but the query for one row returns a result set
> > too large and PHP fails.
> One row?  Wow, I didn't know PHP was that broken.

No, it's not php, it's his approach that's broken.

He was saying that a single db row has a text column with 50,000 lines.

The fact that php throws and error and stop rather than running your
machine out of memory would hardly qualify as broken.  It's got a
memory limit for a reason.  Even Java I believe has one.

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