Hello Kevin,
My boss is the owner of the radio station.
I have to copy the CD's so that they can be loaded in to our mane computer.
The CD's that gets sent to the station, he has to pay for them.
But like I said, sometimes, he orders more then we need.
I've asked him, "why don't you sale them?"
He told me that he could get in to trouble for doing that.
But they can't bust him for giving them away.
Sometimes, he gives them away over the air by running some kind of game.
He will tell us to ask a question.
People will call in and try and answer it.
But if somebody answers our question correctly, they win free CD's from us.
But like I said, some of my coworkers will bring in their Zoom and or iPod
Touch and plug them in to the mane computer and load them up with music
without the boss knowing about it.
I still stand by what I said.
If I want something, I'll ask for it.
And, if I ask for it, and it's given to me, then I can't be stealing it.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kevin Minor" <kmi...@windstream.net>
To: "'PC Audio Discussion List'" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Sunday, April 18, 2010 6:02 PM
Subject: RE: It's Still Stealing
Hi John and list.
I'm going to comment on several messages that I've seen on this topic.
First, John, I wonder if your direct boss is the owner of the station. If
he is, the station may get into trouble if publishers find out he is
allowing material sent to the station is being copied. This material is
specificly for the use of the station. In fact, I'm not sure if the owner
of the CD actually owns the music. With software, you are licensed to use
the software. You don't own the copy you use, you just have a license for
it. I'm not blaming you for copying the CD's. Just be aware that the
station could be in legal trouble if investigated.
As for using VCR's or tape recorders, this has been a debate that the
publishers of material have had with people for years. I don't know the
legal wording, but I believe that courts have ruled that so long as you
the material you obtain from over the air, you have the right to use it
your own private use. This also holds for albums you buy. If you decide
make a compilation CD for a friend, technicly you're breaking the law.
guilty of doing this myself. I'm not getting anything for what I do
but that doesn't make what I do legal.
As for recording material over a computer, there has been a product cease
production precisely because of this, and it made many blind people mad.
had a great device called a PCR. You'd hook the antenna to it, run a
from it to either the line in jack of your sound card or stereo, and hook
up to your computer with a USB cable. The software that came with it
displayed the channel you were on, as well as the title and artist of the
song being played. Unfortunately, someone figured out how to convert the
audio into labeled mp3 files. I say unfortunately, because the RIAA
about this and threated to sue XM. The product no longer was made. I did
get lucky and purchased one of these. It's not the most accessible piece
equipment with a screen reader, but you can view the title of the song
is being played, as well as easily switch channels by entering their
Now for my comments on BARD, which I'll call NLS. First, it's not true
you have to buy a player to listen to NLS books. Your local library can
provide you with a free player to play this content. It not only plays
content, but mp3 files, as well as some other standard audio file formats.
It's true that you can't play things like books from Audible, but you
beat the price of either the player or the books you can download. It's
true that the books are in a protected form, but I personally don't have a
problem with this.
Finally, we could have limitless arguments on what publishers should get
their work, how they protect it, and ways to circumvent these protection
schemes. In short, if someone copy protects something, someone will find
way to crack it. As for NLS, I think it's sad that it's limited to U.S.
citizens, but I understand why.
Have a good day, and don't work too hard.
Kevin Minor
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