Messages by Thread
[opnfv-tech-discuss] [vsperf] CANCELLED - VSPERF weekly meeting - 17 OCT 2018.
Sridhar K. N. Rao
[opnfv-tech-discuss] Cancelled: Weekly Technical Discussion this Thursday October 18th
[opnfv-tech-discuss] [opnfv-tech-disscuss][opnfv-tsc][container4nfv]Congratulation LuBin as a committer for Container4NFV
[opnfv-tech-discuss] Gambia release in two weeks (Nov 2) #release #gambia
David McBride
[opnfv-tech-discuss] Invitation: [OVN4NFV] Weekly Meeting, 16th October 2018 @ Tue Oct 16, 2018 9pm - 10pm (IST) (
Trinath Somanchi
Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] Nominate LuBin as a committer of Container4NFV
Xuan Jia
[opnfv-tech-discuss] [Doctor] Finalize Gambia content
Tomi Juvonen
[opnfv-tech-discuss] FW: Yardstick weekly meeting - Oct 16th
[opnfv-tech-discuss] Test Email Again
[opnfv-tech-discuss] Proposed schedule for the OPNFV "Hunter" release #release #hunter
David McBride
[opnfv-tech-discuss] Test Email
[opnfv-tech-discuss] [auto] Auto Project Meeting 10/15/2018 - Auto - OPNFV Wiki
Tina Tsou
[opnfv-tech-discuss] [SFC] Changing the OPNFV and ODL SFC meetings.
Brady Johnson
[opnfv-tech-discuss] Cancelled: Weekly Technical Discussion this Thursday October 11th
[opnfv-tech-discuss] dovetail setup query
Beeresh M
[opnfv-tech-discuss] #xci #releng-xci #functest public network?
Mark Beierl
[opnfv-tech-discuss] Intel PHAROS LAB Maintenance Window
Timothy Gresham
[opnfv-tech-discuss] Intel POD-18 Assigned to Auto Project
Timothy Gresham
[opnfv-tech-discuss] [vsperf] VSPERF weekly meeting - 10 OCT 2018 (ww81)
Sridhar K. N. Rao
Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss]Rocket discussion- first meeting
[opnfv-tech-discuss] Request for input to Dovetail release planning
Georg Kunz
[opnfv-tech-discuss] stepping down as PTL of Dovetail
Georg Kunz
[opnfv-tech-discuss] [Auto] Meeting minutes 10/08/2018
Klozik Martin
[opnfv-tech-discuss] FW: Yardstick weekly meeting - Oct 9th
[opnfv-tech-discuss] [Fault Genes] WG Weekly Meeting
lance . pham
Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] Infra Working Group Meeting #infra #releng #pharos #security
Trevor Bramwell
[opnfv-tech-discuss] [pharos] huawei-lab has recovered
[opnfv-tech-discuss] [auto] Auto Project Meeting 10/08/2018 - Auto - OPNFV Wiki
Tina Tsou
[opnfv-tech-discuss] VSPERF Vloop VNF.
Sridhar K. N. Rao
[opnfv-tech-discuss] #XCI Swift Support
Mark Beierl
[opnfv-tech-discuss] Cancelled: Weekly Technical Discussion this Thursday October 4th
[opnfv-tech-discuss][APEX] How to get entiry owners from ODL
[opnfv-tech-discuss] [vsperf] VSPERF weekly meeting - 03 OCT 2018 (ww80)
Sridhar K. N. Rao
[opnfv-tech-discuss] [barometer] Weekly Meeting Oct 2, Agenda link below
Aaron Smith
[opnfv-tech-discuss] #dovetail Agenda for weekly meeting 2018-10-03
Georg Kunz
[opnfv-tech-discuss] Invitation: [OVN4NFV] Weekly Meeting, 02 October 2018 @ Tue Oct 2, 2018 9pm - 10pm (IST) (
Trinath Somanchi
[opnfv-tech-discuss] [pharos] huawei-lab power off during vacation
[opnfv-tech-discuss] OPNFV Incident - Jenkins build outage - 29 September 2018
[opnfv-tech-discuss] OVP 2018.09 released earlier this week
Georg Kunz
[opnfv-tech-discuss] Auto Project Meeting 10/01/2018 - Auto - OPNFV Wiki
Tina Tsou
[opnfv-tech-discuss] Results of OPNFV TSC Election #election #announce
David McBride
[opnfv-tech-discuss] [barometer] openmetrics, description, links
Matthias Runge
[opnfv-tech-discuss] Cancelled: Weekly Technical Discussion this Thursday September 27th
Bin Hu
[opnfv-tech-discuss] [vsperf] Agenda for VSPERF weekly meeting - 26 Sep 2018 (ww79)
Sridhar K. N. Rao
[opnfv-tech-discuss] #nfvbench Issues with NFVBench
Frederic Dang Tran
[opnfv-tech-discuss] #nfvbench email test
Alec via Lists.Opnfv.Org
[opnfv-tech-discuss] [nfvbench] Issues with NFVbench
Frederic Dang Tran
[opnfv-tech-discuss] [fuel] Nominating Cristina Pauna as committer
Alexandru Avadanii
[opnfv-tech-discuss] [edge]Cancel this week's edge project call
[opnfv-tech-discuss] [opnfv-tech-discussion][Edge Cloud] 2018 ONS Summit Keystone demo -- Look forward to seeing you
[opnfv-tech-discuss] FW: [Yardstick] Yardstick weekly meeting - Canceled on Sep 25
[opnfv-tech-discuss] Propose to Cancel Weekly Technical Discussion this Thursday September 27th
Bin Hu
[opnfv-tech-discuss][dovetail] no Dovetail call this week
Georg Kunz
[opnfv-tech-discuss] Invitation: Infra Working Group Meeting #infra #releng #pharos #security @ Weekly from 8am to 9am on Monday 6 times (PDT) (
Trevor Bramwell
[opnfv-tech-discuss] OPNFV #Promise meeting
[opnfv-tech-discuss] OSF Edge Computing Group BoF at ONS EU
Ildiko Vancsa
[opnfv-tech-discuss] MS7 - stable branch window closes - Sept 21 #release #gambia
David McBride
[opnfv-tech-discuss] #test-wg Meeting next week?
Mark Beierl
[opnfv-tech-discuss] Cancelled - Weekly Technical Discussion this Thursday September 20th
Bin Hu
[opnfv-tech-discuss] [auto] Auto Project Meeting 09/24/2018 - Auto - OPNFV Wiki
Tina Tsou
[opnfv-tech-discuss] [Auto] Meeting minutes 2018/9/17
Klozik Martin
[opnfv-tech-discuss]Rocket discussion
[opnfv-tech-discuss] [release] [gambia] Reminder MS6 - preliminary documentation
Sofia Wallin
[opnfv-tech-discuss] Cloud Native Networking Bootcamp / Oct/18-19 in Paris
Frank Brockners via Lists.Opnfv.Org
[opnfv-tech-discuss] [vsperf] Agenda for VSPERF weekly meeting - 12 Sep 2018 (ww78)
Sridhar K. N. Rao
[opnfv-tech-discuss] #infra LF VPN switch from UDP to TCP
Trevor Bramwell
[opnfv-tech-discuss] Call for new committers for Auto Project
Tina Tsou
[opnfv-tech-discuss] [release] Release meeting cancelled for Sept 25
David McBride
[opnfv-tech-discuss] TSC meeting cancelled for Sept 25
David McBride
[opnfv-tech-discuss] Look for Discussion Topics of Weekly Technical Discussion this Thursday September 20th
Bin Hu
[opnfv-tech-discuss] [Auto] Jira clean & sweep
Klozik Martin
[opnfv-tech-discuss] Invitation: [OVN4NFV] Weekly Meeting (18 September 2018) @ Tue Sep 18, 2018 9pm - 10pm (IST) (
Trinath Somanchi
[opnfv-tech-discuss] FW: Yardstick weekly meeting - Sep 18
[opnfv-tech-discuss] #laas #infra
Parker Berberian
[opnfv-tech-discuss] [dovetail] staging area for OVP portal container upgrade
Georg Kunz
答复: [opnfv-tech-discuss] [C-RAN] the meeting minutes of C-RAN bi-weekly meeting
[opnfv-tech-discuss] Functest Gambia and Hunter are available
cedric . ollivier
[opnfv-tech-discuss] Summary of Weekly Technical Community Discussion Thursday September 13, 2018
Bin Hu
[opnfv-tech-discuss] [release] proposed change in stable branch timing
David McBride
[opnfv-tech-discuss] [xci] Timeout
Mark Beierl
[opnfv-tech-discuss] ONS Reminder: LFN Unconference, Day Passes, and Last Chance for Discounts
Brandon Wick
[opnfv-tech-discuss] [Auto] Auto Project Meeting 09/17/2018 - Auto - OPNFV Wiki
Tina Tsou
[opnfv-tech-discuss] [nfvbench] negative drop rates reported by nfvbench in NDR/PDR mode
Frederic Dang Tran
[opnfv-tech-discuss] #auto x86 POD for Auto Project
Paul Vaduva
[opnfv-tech-discuss] [C-RAN] the meeting minutes of C-RAN bi-weekly meeting
[opnfv-tech-discuss] please use hashtags for OPNFV project related email discussions on opnfv-tech-discuss and opnfv-tsc
Frank Brockners via Lists.Opnfv.Org
[opnfv-tech-discuss] [vsperf] Agenda for VSPERF weekly meeting - 12 Sep 2018 (ww77)
Sridhar K. N. Rao
[opnfv-tech-discuss] [election] 2018 OPNFV TSC Election
David McBride
[opnfv-tech-discuss] [barometer] Weekly Meeting Sept. 11, 2018
Aaron Smith
[opnfv-tech-discuss] ODL Fluorine SR0 debian package
[opnfv-tech-discuss] [OVN4NFV] Weekly Meeting (11 September 2018)
Trinath Somanchi
[opnfv-tech-discuss] FW: [yardstick] Yardstick weekly meeting - Sep 11
[opnfv-tech-discuss] [releng] Adding 'opnfv-build-ubuntu' label to lf-build2
Trevor Bramwell
[opnfv-tech-discuss] Opening nominations for OPNFV Technical Steering Committee (TSC)
Gooch, Stephen
[opnfv-tech-discuss] [availability] quesions about the update for HA analysis file
[opnfv-tech-discuss] [Auto] Auto Project Meeting 09/10/2018 - Auto - OPNFV Wiki
Tina Tsou
[opnfv-tech-discuss] [opnfv-tsc] [announce][election] Opening nominations for OPNFV Technical Steering Committee (TSC)
Cooper, Trevor