BEGIN:VCALENDAR METHOD:REQUEST PRODID:-//Tencent Corporation//Foxmail VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:06175990-97F7-487C-82F8-1AB1B993CB0D CLASS:PUBLIC DTEND:20181018T140000Z RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=TH;WKST=SU STATUS:TENTATIVE TRANSP:OPAQUE CREATED:20181010T042953Z DTSTAMP:20181010T042953Z DTSTART:20181018T130000Z SUMMARY:Re: Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss]Rocket discussion- first meeting ATTENDEE;CN=opnfv-tech-discuss;ROLE=OPT-PARTICIPANT;RSVP=TRUE:MAILTO:opnfv ATTENDEE;CN='Tina Tsou';ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT;RSVP=TRUE:MAILTO:Tina.Tsou@ar ATTENDEE;CN=xiaohua.zhang;ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT;RSVP=TRUE:MAILTO:xiaohua.zh ATTENDEE;CN=cunming.liang;ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT; ATTENDEE;CN=ronye;ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT; ATTENDEE;CN=liufeng24;ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT;RSVP=TRUE:MAILTO:liufeng24@leno ATTENDEE;CN=brian.j.skerry;ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT;RSVP=TRUE:MAILTO:brian.j.s ATTENDEE;;ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT;RSVP=TRUE:MAILTO:l ATTENDEE;CN=jin.hai;ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT; cn ATTENDEE;CN=bao.yumeng;ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT;RSVP=TRUE:MAILTO:bao.yumeng@zt ATTENDEE;CN=tapio.tallgren;ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT;RSVP=TRUE:MAILTO:tapio.tal ATTENDEE;CN=jouni.markunmaki;ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT;RSVP=TRUE:MAILTO:jouni.m ATTENDEE;CN=lvjing5;ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT;RSVP=TRUE:MAILTO:lvjing5@huawei.c om ATTENDEE;CN=wangxuyjy;ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT;RSVP=TRUE:MAILTO:wangxuyjy@chin ATTENDEE;CN=fuqiao;ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT;RSVP=TRUE:MAILTO:fuqiao@chinamobil LOCATION: PRIORITY:5 SEQUENCE:0 ORGANIZER; RESOURCES: DESCRIPTION:Hi all, the first ROCKET meeting will be held UTC 13:00-14:00 next Thursday, Oct.18th.During the meeting , Intel will provide an overvie w of what they are driving in DPDK for device/hardware abstraction.\nPleas e reply to this mailing list if you have trouble with this time.\nAnd in t he meantime, feel free to add your name under the contributor list if you are willing to join the project. Thank you!\n\n--------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------\n使ç¨PCãMacãLinuxãiOSæ å®å设\nå¤å å ¥ï¼\n \næiPhoneä¸é®å¼ :\n ç¾å½: +1646876992 3\,\,980442499# æ +14086380986\,\,980442499#\næçµ\nè¯ï¼\næ¨æï¼\n ç¾å½: +1 646 876 9923 æ +1 408 638 0986\nä¼è®®IDï¼980 442 499\næä¾å½é çµè¯å·ç ï¼\nhttps://zoo\n \nBest Regards\n\n\néèè / Shasha Guo\nç½ç»ä¸ITææ¯ç 究æ / Dep artment of Network and IT Technology\nä¸å½ç§»å¨éä¿¡ç ç©¶é¢ / China Mobile Research In stitute\nMobile: +86 15210871367\nEmail: \n \nFr om: éèè\nDate: 2018-09-26 10:13\nTo: guoshasha; lvjing5; jouni.markunmaki; tapio.tallgren; bao.yumeng; jin.hai;; brian.j.sker ry; liufeng24; ronye; cunming.liang; xiaohua.zhang; 'Tina Tsou'\nCC: fuqia o; wangxuyjy; opnfv-tech-discuss\nSubject: Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss]Rocket discussion\nDeal all, this week meeting is cancelled due to ONS Europe and Chinese holiday, the first ROCKET meeting will be held after the holiday. But we still need to decide when our daily meeting is appropriate.\n\nI s uggest three time slots for you to choose from:\n1. UTC 3:00-4:00 slot for Tuesday\n2. UTC 13:00-14:00 slot for Wednesday\n3. UTC 3:00-4:00 slot for Tursday\n\nPlease reply to this mailing to vote your choice before UTC 9: 00 this Friday, Sep.28th. \nAnd in the meantime ,feel free to add your nam e under the contributor list if you are willing to join this project(https :// you!\n\nBest Regards!\n\n\néè è / Shasha Guo\nç½ç»ä¸ITææ¯ç 究æ / Department of Network and IT Technology\nä¸å½ç§»å¨ éä¿¡ç ç©¶é¢ / China Mobile Research Institute\nMobile: +86 15210871367\nEmail: g \n \nFrom: éèè\nDate: 2018-09-19 17:11\nTo: guosh asha; lvjing5; jouni.markunmaki; tapio.tallgren; bao.yumeng; jin.hai; liu.; brian.j.skerry; liufeng24; ronye; cunming.liang; xiaoh ua.zhang; Tina.Tsou\nCC: fuqiao; wangxuyjy; opnfv-tech-discuss\nSubject: R e: [opnfv-tech-discuss]Rocket discussion\nSorry, forget someone , resend !\n\n\néèè / Shasha Guo\nç½ç»ä¸ITææ¯ç 究æ / Department of Network and IT Technol ogy\nä¸å½ç§»å¨éä¿¡ç ç©¶é¢ / China Mobile Research Institute\nMobile: +86 15210871367\ nEmail: \n \nFrom: éèè\nDate: 2018-09-19 16:57\n To: lvjing5; jouni.markunmaki; tapio.tallgren; bao.yumeng; jin.hai; liu.xi aohua; brian.j.skerry; liufeng24; ronye\nCC: fuqiao; wangxuyjy; opnfv-tech -discuss\nSubject: [opnfv-tech-discuss]Rocket discussion\nHi, all. This Ro cket project has been approved on discussion meeting last Tuesday. Theref ore I suggest we have our first project call next week to go through the p roject proposal internally. \n\nI suggest three time slots for you to cho ose from:\n1. UTC 3:00-4:00 slot for Tuesday, Sep.25th\n2. UTC 13:00-14:00 slot for Wednesday, Sep.26th\n3. UTC 3:00-4:00 slot for Tursday, Sep.27th \n\nPlease reply to this mailing to vote your choice before UTC 9:00 this Friday, Sep.21th. If don't response, the default is that anytime is fine.\ nAnd in the meantime ,feel free to add your name under the contributor lis t if you are willing to join this project( ROJ/Rocket).Thank you!\n\nBest Regards!\n\n\néèè / Shasha Guo\nç½ç»ä¸ITææ¯ç 究æ / Department of Network and IT Technology\nä¸å½ç§»å¨éä¿¡ç ç©¶é¢ / China Mobile Resear ch Institute\nMobile: +86 15210871367\nEmail: \n LAST-MODIFIED:20181010T042953Z X-MICROSOFT-CDO-IMPORTANCE:1 BEGIN:VALARM ACTION:DISPLAY TRIGGER:-PT15M DESCRIPTION:Reminder X-WR-ALARMUID:C6AC6EDA-0C92-4F49-8ACD-24D43E482CE9 END:VALARM END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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