A couple questions:

1.   How about the alignment with ETSI IFA standard (IFA 1,2,3, 4, 18, 19)?

2.   OVS offloading depends on hardware, will Rocket project propose hardware 
abstract API?

3.   In C-RAN project from OPNFV also, it seems some conflict here, what’s the 
difference ?

4.   Is there specified use case the Rocket project target to? From the 
meeting, especially GTP en/decap, the RAN use case is one of them? (since the 
traffic between the BBU and EPU is GPU traffic)

Xiaohua Zhang

From: Liang, Cunming [mailto:cunming.li...@intel.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2018 10:10 PM
To: guosha...@chinamobile.com; fuqiao; lvjing5; jouni.markunmaki; 
tapio.tallgren; bao.yumeng; jin.hai; liu.xiao...@zte.com.cn; Skerry, Brian J; 
liufeng24; ronye; Zhang, Xiaohua; 'Tina Tsou'; Verplanke, Edwin; Wiles, Keith
Cc: opnfv-tech-discuss; fuqiao; lijunfen; banyourong
Subject: RE: Rocket discussion- 2th meeting


Added my meeting notes on

Notes & ARs

1.       CMCC: Rocket will have its test specification for benchmark (e.g. OVS, 

2.       ZTE will share their work on GTP-U offloading, but common API proposal 
is not included (ZTE takes AR to share)

3.       Intel raised open about GTP-U benchmark, it needs a public baseline 
for offloading test even just simple IO FWD

4.       CMCC comments on “SR-IOV or virtio”, it’s vendors’ choices, not limit 
any device interface layout

5.       Intel shares the device abstraction and possibility of adding 
tunneling support (Intel takes AR to share in NOV15 meeting)
GTP-U offload API
- DPDK supports lots of vendor drivers no matter in the type of SR-IOV or virtio
- Ethdev is the one to abstract device being capable to send/receive ethernet 
- For GTP-U tunneling, if device offloads tunnelling, ethdev is possible to 
support by API extension
- Taking vxlan tunnel offload as an example, the patch could refer to #Reference
  Reference: Sample usage of adding tunnel(vxlan) endpoint for OVS


From: 郭莎莎 [mailto:guosha...@chinamobile.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 1, 2018 11:06 AM
To: guoshasha <guosha...@chinamobile.com>; fuqiao <fuq...@chinamobile.com>; 
lvjing5 <lvji...@huawei.com>; jouni.markunmaki <jouni.markunm...@nokia.com>; 
tapio.tallgren <tapio.tallg...@nokia.com>; bao.yumeng <bao.yum...@zte.com.cn>; 
jin.hai <jin....@zte.com.cn>; liu.xiao...@zte.com.cn; Skerry, Brian J 
<brian.j.ske...@intel.com>; liufeng24 <liufen...@lenovo.com>; ronye 
<ro...@mellanox.com>; Liang, Cunming <cunming.li...@intel.com>; xiaohua.zhang 
<xiaohua.zh...@windriver.com>; 'Tina Tsou' <tina.t...@arm.com>; Verplanke, 
Edwin <edwin.verpla...@intel.com>; Wiles, Keith <keith.wi...@intel.com>
Cc: opnfv-tech-discuss <opnfv-tech-discuss@lists.opnfv.org>; fuqiao 
<fuq...@chinamobile.com>; lijunfen <lijun...@chinamobile.com>; banyourong 
Subject: Rocket discussion- 2th meeting

Hi all~
        Today is Rocket's 2th routine meeting that  is held every other 
Thursday, UTC 13:00-14:00, reminder~

 Meeting Agenda:(https://etherpad.opnfv.org/p/rocket_meeting_minutes)
1. Legacy from last meeting.
2. Introduction of CMCC's acceleration requirements.
3. Rocket project implement plan.
4. Disscuss about the implement plan.

Zoom information:

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/5014627785

Or iPhone one-tap :
US: +16699006833,,5014627785# or +16465588656,,5014627785#
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 646 558 8656 or +1 877 369 0926 (Toll Free) or +1 855 
880 1246 (Toll Free)
Meeting ID: 501 462 7785
International numbers available: 

PS: Please cancel the previously accepted ROCKET meeting invitation because I 
changed meeting information and can't cancel it now, thank you!

Best Regards,
Shasha Guo
Department of Network and IT Technology
China Mobile Research Institute
Mobile: +86 15210871367
Email: guosha...@chinamobile.com<mailto:liuyuan...@chinamobile.com>
From: 郭莎莎<mailto:guosha...@chinamobile.com>
Date: 2018-10-18 15:40
To: guoshasha<mailto:guosha...@chinamobile.com>; 
fuqiao<mailto:fuq...@chinamobile.com>; lvjing5<mailto:lvji...@huawei.com>; 
bao.yumeng<mailto:bao.yum...@zte.com.cn>; jin.hai<mailto:jin....@zte.com.cn>; 
liufeng24<mailto:liufen...@lenovo.com>; ronye<mailto:ro...@mellanox.com>; 
xiaohua.zhang<mailto:xiaohua.zh...@windriver.com>; 'Tina 
CC: opnfv-tech-discuss<mailto:opnfv-tech-discuss@lists.opnfv.org>
Subject: Re: Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss]Rocket discussion- first meeting
Reminder~he first ROCKET meeting will be held UTC 13:00-14:00 today, Oct.18th.

郭莎莎 / Shasha Guo
网络与IT技术研究所 / Department of Network and IT Technology
中国移动通信研究院 / China Mobile Research Institute
Mobile: +86 15210871367
Email: guosha...@chinamobile.com<mailto:liuyuan...@chinamobile.com>

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