Hi Johannes,

> You said you also don't actually have the current one working though,
> which was working well for me (on both Annex A and Annex B with VDSL
> fallback).
Like I previously said: there's probably something wrong at my end.
I have the Annex A version of the TD-W8970 and I am trying to use it with
my Annex B ADSL connection (for the record: I am not using a splitter).
While trying to connect the dsl_cpe_control tool reports:
"Wrong combination of DSL PHY Firmware and hybrid type used! Please
change one of it."
So either my configuration is still incorrect or the modem is somehow
(probably a hardware configuration, maybe via a resistor) configured to
enforce a different hybrid or Annex type (this is pure speculation though).

> Note that the system seems to be too slow for 100 Mbps though, so this
> is somewhat academic, it can't do 100 Mbps NAT in my tests. I'm probably
> going to replace it with something faster and leave VDSL to a separate
> modem.
I am interested in your test results, even though it's purely academic :-).

Someone else has tested the new driver in the meantime (using Annex A,
no VDSL): [0]
It seems that the modem syncs and is even able to connect (as far as I
understand with some manual steps), but after a few minutes the connection


[0] https://github.com/xdarklight/drv_mei_cpe/issues/1#issuecomment-98380611
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